Saturday, April 26, 2014

Baby Fruit Plants

Let me preface by informing anyone who reads this that I am not a gardener.  I’ve never planted a garden of my own, I actually don’t even know the first thing about planting except that plants require water and sunlight.  I would say I’m at about a preschool level when it comes to gardening. If I plant a seed that sprouts, I am over the moon.

Now, that being said, I love plants.  I love herbs.  I love flowers.  I love how they look, I love their multitude of uses, and I love their smell.  A few months ago, my husband accidentally knocked over my shelf of plants and a few baby herbs could not be saved.  I ugly cried.

This year, I am ecstatic about giving gardening a go.  We have big plans for a raised flower bed in the yard, which will be a task in itself as we will be competing with our bouncy, almost-two-year-old lab who has a passion for digging holes and eating branches. But more importantly, I want to grow some fruit!  Strawberries, tomatoes, and raspberries to be precise.

Last weekend, we ventured out to the local nursery to browse some baby plants.  I walked away with three strawberry plants, two tomato plants, and a raspberry plant.  The next day we planted them in a pretty nifty planter that allows for a hanging tomato plant as well as flowers or, in my case, strawberries on top, all-in-one.  My second tomato plant is now living happily on my super sunny hanging window shelf, and my raspberry plant is living in a big, yellow pot of it’s own.

I’m overly excited, and overly optimistic.  My fingers and toes are crossed that the fruits of my labor (har, har) pay off and these plants actually produce fruit by the end of the summer.  I’ll be the first to admit they’ve got a rough road ahead of them, being that I’ve actually somehow managed to kill both mint and cactus in the past, my two-year-old is very, very curious, and my lab eats everything from welcome mats to plastic, but I am determined!

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